25 July 2015

Wiki page deleted, Facebook made unaccessible.

SWPE is an organisation which follows its own path.  We are happy to acknowledge great thinkers who have inspired us, from Mikhail Bakunin to William Morris to Nikolai Bukharin to Ernst Niekisch to Ernst Rohm amongst others.  We do not advocate violence, we do not attack other organisations of left or right, we work towards our own goals in a decent and peaceable way.  It is alarming therefore that Facebook has seen fit to block our activists, making access to posting on our Facebook page problematic.  Wikipedia has deleted our page.  Rational Wiki has followed suit.

SWPE is experiencing increasing censorship.  Is this because we are non-Marxist Socialists and do not fit the pigeon holes which those who play the game are fitted into? 
The following is content which has been removed from the Wiki sites and which is published here to counter the censors.


Socialist Workers' Party England (SWPE) is a left-wing party in England.  Formed out of two smaller organisations (the British Socialist Party and the Free Workers' League), Socialist Workers' Party England is a radical party which espouses a return to Socialism as it was understood before the times of Karl Marx.

SWPE is linked to the Populist Party in London and has partner organisations across Europe, North America and Israel.

SWPE does not stand in elections, favouring a strategy of supporting candidates on an individual basis with the desired end to create a broad coalition of individuals and organisations for radical change.

SWPE is not to be confused with the SWP (Socialist Workers Party (no apostrophe, no word England), which advances Internationalism and Marxism, although the two organisations are both Socialist and both seek the overthrow of Capitalism.

The symbol of SWPE is the Sword and Sickle.  The Sickle represents the Agricultural Workers and the desire to go 'back to the land'.  SWPE is avowedly anti-urban and campaigns for the dismantling of cities.  The Sword represents strength through self defence and emphasises the belief in personal responsibility and common defence of the people. The Red and White colours represent the old English White Dragon banner on a Red field.

SWPE considers itself a bearer of 'Holistic Socialism' by which it has policies which include economics, ecology, animal welfare and spiritualism.  It favours 'indigenous European spirituality' (including Odinism and Druidism) over what it calls the 'monotheistic Semitic religions' (Judaism, Christianity, Islam).

SWPE has a structure of inner members from the former organisations and outer members who have joined since the merger.  The leadership structure reflects this with leadership requiring membership of the inner core.   

SWPE has street activists who campaign alone or with other organisations on an issue by issue basis.  Activities have included anti-vivisection campaigns, anti-paedophile campaigns, support for striking workers, support for collective cultural identity of various forms

SWPE has an internet presence across Social Media and its own and partner sites. 

SWPE has a No No Platform strategy, meaning it supports cooperation across the political spectrum.


19 July 2015

The benefits of Socialism make that which is demanded very reasonable

SWPE's vision of a Socialist future for England is one in which everyone is housed - not merely adequately, but housed well - and in addition it is a vision of a country in which the population will be redistributed so that nobody has to live in a town which has a population in excess of 5,000 people, and in which everyone has an acre of land which they can use to feed themselves, and also a workshop in which they can express their creative side.  The use of the land and workshop allocated to each family will be to the discretion of the family concerned.  If people grow more food than they need, or specialise in foodstuffs which they can trade with their neighbours, then that is a good thing.  Likewise, if artisans create things which they can trade, then that is their right.  Every family will be allocated land and property which will generously provide them with everything they need in order to feed themselves, and of course shelter.  Family will be the cornerstone of society, as is the natural way.

There is a saying that there is no such thing as a free lunch.  This is as true of Socialism as any other phenomenon.  In return for free housing, free land, free workshops, free supplies of essential services (clean water must be provided at no cost whatsoever), we would ask that the people recognise the need to work together to keep the wolf of capitalism away, and that they contribute to the advancement of society as a whole.

A four day week would be sufficient to cover the necessary industrial work to keep the standard of living high.  The basic essentials of food and shelter would be taken care of in the allocation of land and housing to each family.  This would still require people to work so that clothing and industrially produced goods would be available.  As part of our agenda of rooting out the Semitic religions which have wrought so much harm to our people, we propose that the working week would begin on Friday and end on Monday, leaving the days of Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday as days to be enjoyed in the company of others or in leisure activities as suit the individual.

An environmentalists, we understand the damage of pollution.  We would limit the harmful results of industry by making the economy of each town such that commuting would be unnecessary.  Every town would have a range of shops which would provide for the needs of the population.  Every town would have a small number of small scale factories which would produce the goods required by the people.  In the case of larger industries (such as car manufacture, hospitals and power production), we propose that towns at the centre of each region would specialise and supply the region as a whole.  This would greatly limit the need for goods to be transported across the country and would eliminate commuting for the vast majority of the population.

Industry need not be laborious.  By employing modern technology we could keep the need for people to work in industry at a minimum.

The four day week would give the people three days of leisure.  The emphasis on the local town as the focus of economic activity would abolish the need to travel to work over long distances, giving back to the people time to spend as they wish, which would otherwise be lost in commuting.

SWPE policy does not mean uniformity and blandness.  Each town would be required to provide for the people living in it, and each region would be required to be set up in such a way that the centre would provide for what the general towns could not (to avoid unnecessary duplication of industry across the country).  Beyond this requirement, each region would be encouraged to create a style of building of its own and each town within each region would be encouraged to adopt and adapt the regional style further so that every town in the country would have a distinct character.  Local cuisine, local culture, local traditions, local art, would all be encouraged, abolishing the plastic coca cola culture currently ruling over England in which every town has the same shops and the same mass produced housing estates and differs only from every other by name.  We envision a reborn Wessex, a reborn Mercia, Anglia, Northumbria, each with a unique character, each reveling in its own cultural identity as a part of a free and federal England.

So what of the great architecture and museums of the cities?  What would become of them with the move away from urbanisation?  Our great buildings would remain and be made accessible to everyone.  For example, the urban sprawl of London would be returned to nature by the demolition of bland housing estates and indistinguishable streets (and of course such absurdities as mosques and modern eyesores like Canary Wharf), but in its place towns separated by open space would be born.  The great buildings would provide points of focus for the new towns.

Socialism doesn't mean faceless artless concrete jungles such as plagued Romania under Ceausescu.  Our Socialism is English and demands the preservation of our countryside and of our own unique culture.  By creating a four day week, we would give people the time to explore their country and to visit places of art and culture such as museums and art galleries cleansed of degeneracy.  At present people are forced to work for 5 days a week for 48 or 49 weeks a year.  We see no reason why we couldn't have  the working month reduced to 3 weeks of work with 1 week of leisure, organised in such a way that industry would operate all year but every week would be a free week for a quarter of the local population.  This would allow for tourism and leisure focused work, giving the people the ability to explore the their own country.

Socialism is a practical ideology which will see the country restored and reborn free of the shackles of liberalism and global capitalist imperialism.  Rise up Wage Slaves.  You have your Country to gain and you have nothing to lose but your chains of debt to global finance.  A Socialist future is a future of culture, of leisure and of joy.  All we ask is that in return for freedom each single adult provides 4 days work for 3 weeks out of 4 and that for married couple with children, one of the parents takes that responsibility while the other looks after the children (and does so in a paid capacity).  The benefits of Socialism far outstrip the demands, and for those who will not contribute, the safety net of a home and space to grow food mean that taking part in society will be voluntary, although encouraged.

11 July 2015

Democratic Confederalism: The Kurdish Revolution in Rojava

 Posted: 11 Jul 2015 07:27 AM PDT

The frontline of the fight against the so-called 'Islamic State' has not come from the intervention of Western forces but instead has been most fiercely fought by indigenous people in defence of their native homeland, freedom and way of life. Since the start of the Syrian civil war and the withdrawal of Assad from the Kurdish region of Northern Syria, the militants of the YPG have not only successfully held off the fascistic designs of ISIS for regional and worldwide dominance but have asserted their autonomy in a revolutionary and libertarian way.

Unfortunately, ISIS has claimed much of the same area as the Kurdish ethnic homeland as part of its own caliphate which it intends expand over the rest of the Middle-East, much of Africa and Southern Europe. Despite also being mostly Sunni Muslims the Kurd's vision of society could not be more different from that of the bleak and brutal one envisaged and manifested by the extremists and foreign-born fighters of ISIS.

The Kurdish people constitute a stateless nation which stretches over the current borders of Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran. The YPG is the armed-wing of the Kurdish People's Union, which is linked to the PKK that is based in the Kurdish region of Eastern Turkey. The PKK, which has been fighting a long guerrilla war with the Turkish government to establish a Kurdish state, is designated a terrorist organisation by the British government and also by many other Western powers.

The PKK is no longer anything remotely like the old-style Marxist-Leninist party it once was. Its own internal evolution, and the intellectual conversion of its own founder, Abdullah Ocalan, held in a Turkish island prison since 1999, have led it to entirely change its aims and tactics. They now say "No we are no Communists."
"When the PKK was founded over 35 years ago, they were first Marxists-Leninists. After the collapse of the Soviet Union in the 1990s, they analysed books and articles by philosophers, anarchists, feminists, communalists, and social ecologists. That is how writers like Murray Bookchin came into their focus. In a PKK Congress 1995, the PKK called the Soviet Communism a phase of “primitive and brutal socialism” and called for a new period in the socialist struggle. By the inspiration of Murray Bookchin the PKK Leader Ă–calan, an atheist and ex-muslim, founded the democratic confederalism, which means a “democratic, ecological, gender-liberated society.“

The principles of democratic confederalism are participatory democracy, local autonomy,
gender equality, religious tolerance and an ecological socialist economy. This includes autonomy for all ethnic groups. Democratic Confederalism has as its goal the autonomy of society: in other words, instead of the state governing society, a politicized society manages itself."

The PKK has declared that it no longer seeks to create a Kurdish state based on a centralised government. Instead it is calling for Kurds to create free, self-governing communities, based on principles of direct democracy. In this way, they hope, the Kurdish struggle could become a model for a worldwide movement towards genuine democracy, co-operative economy, and the gradual dissolution of vast bureaucratic governments and corporate power. Under the pressure of war the Kurds have set about achieving this liberation.

Popular assemblies have been created as the ultimate decision-making bodies, councils selected with careful ethnic balance based on the ethnic make-up of each municipality (for example, this could include one Kurd, one Arab and one Assyrian or Armenian Christian, and at least one of the three has to be a woman.) There are women’s and youth councils, and a women's army, the “YJA Star” militia (the star here referring to the ancient Mesopotamian goddess Ishtar), that has carried out a large proportion of the combat operations against the forces of Islamic State.

Right now the YPG needs military support to defeat ISIS and are welcoming Westerners with combat experience to fight alongside them. This provides a much-needed counter-balance to the disgrace of those travelling on British passports to join Islamic State. At home we can learn a lot from the Kurdish resistance to oppressive totalitarian governments and extremist ideologies guided by a constitutional model for regional self-government, by building our own systems of popular self-management that work not only for the majority or minority but for all!

Biji Kurdistan and Free England!

5 July 2015

Capitalists lose to People Power in Greece. Take note, we CAN win!

The people have spoken!  The IMF has failed!  Greece is on the path to freedom! 

The people of Greece have suffered at the hands of the Capitalist mafia.  Until now, the left has done nothing to help the common people, but that has all changed with the dramatic and historic referendum on the theft of the resources of Greece by global capitalist banking criminals.  Lied to by the media and threatened with absolute poverty and international pariah status if they failed to vote to allow the IMF to continue to steal from them, the majority of Greeks have voted to say No to austerity and No to the global capitalist system.

Greece now has a chance to escape the hated Euro and to march towards national freedom.  Whether this path will be followed is too soon to ascertain, but it is a glorious triumph for the ordinary people that Greece has shouted No to the Ruling Class and their Capitalist system.  Socialism is rising across Europe and the capitalist EU is failing.  This is a day to celebrate.

SWPE stands shoulder to shoulder with the people of Greece in our common struggle against the bankers and the capitalist crime network.  One nation at a time Capitalism is being rejected.  Onward to a free and Socialist Greece and to England joining this march to freedom.  Everywhere that capitalism is in retreat is an opportunity for socialism to triumph.